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"Ash Framework as accelerated precision vibe coding?"
Reduce App TCO with Ash Framework generators Accounts, Authentication, Domains, Resources & LiveView
"Making an Ollama model release with Sky-T1-Flash for Cline "
First step in creating a customized LLM
"Cursor, CodeGPT and DeepSeek R1 Ollama GPU in Docker on Ubuntu 24"
Installation on Ubuntu with NVIDIA GPU using Docker containers for DeepSeek R1
"Starting Ash Phoenix Ecommerce Project"
Part 1 of a series of working in open on Ash Phoenix React Ecommerce Store
"Acquiring Growth With Counter-Cyclical Customer Success"
5 year strategic contract roadmaps for low-risk high-reward modernizations
"The Spike and the Steel Thread"
The cross-functional team constructs a proof-of-concept by first tackling a system's most complex and critical data workflow
"Phoenix 1.7 LiveView Tailwind CSS Website Themer"
Phoenix LiveView real-time website builder theming tool
"Cookieless Sessionless Phoenix HTML Caching"
How to create cookieless, sessionless Phoenix HTML pages for caching
"Phoenix 1.6 Destroys Peak Technical Debt"
Phoenix 1.6 release candidate has dropped and the version 1 codebase has reached peak technical debt. Time to migrate rather than upgrade.
"Phoenix 1.6 mix phx.gen.auth Accounts User users"
Some notes of the new Phoenix Authentication Generator
"Phoenix 1.6 Accounts & Users"
Users are central to a web application framework. At the very least you need admin and end-user roles.
"OpenGraph Meta for Blog Posts on Elixir Phoenix"
OpenGraph meta is important for social media and networking sites.
"AI Product Manager Inception"
The product manager becomes a machine minder.
"Grow SaaS with Sales Blueprints"
Sofware as a Service Sales Blueprints
"Functional Product Management"
Functional Product Management is focused on solving problems today and delivering value today.
"Agile and Waterfall: Myths and Realities"
Agile is the spirit of the age.
"Successful Ecommerce Projects"
Successful e-commerce projects have many complex stages and require inputs from all functional stakeholders in an enterprise.
"Organizing Tech Events at the UN."
In 2015 I organized a 4 day, 100 person open-source tech event at the United Nations under the auspices of the OpenCamps/Nyccamp.
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