In this post I demonstrate some of the key features in Phoenix 1.7 LiveView and Tailwind CSS to create a live website theming engine using DaisyUI.
Starting with an Elixir Phoenix 1.7 application, in the root.html.heex we include a partial which includes the HSL color scheme and Tailwind CSS utility library DaisyUI.
@font-face {
font-family: Geo;
src: url(;
.bg-image-tailwindcss { background-image: url(''); }
<%= if @website.is_theme_customized? do %>
[data-theme=<%= @website.theme %>] {
color-scheme: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_color_scheme %>;
font-family: ;
--p: <%= FolkbotWeb.LayoutView.convert_to_HSL(@website.theme_daisyui_primary_color) %>; /* primary required */
--s: <%= @website_theme_secondary_color_hsl %>;
--a: <%= @website_theme_accent_color_hsl %>;
--n: <%= @website_theme_neutral_color_hsl %>;
--b1: <%= @website_theme_base_100_color_hsl %>;;
--in: <%= @website_theme_info_color_hsl %>;
--su: <%= @website_theme_success_color_hsl %>;
--wa: <%= @website_theme_warning_color_hsl %>;
--er: <%= @website_theme_error_color_hsl %>;
--animation-btn: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_animation_btn %>;
--animation-input: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_animation_input %>;
--border-color: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_border_color %>;
--btn-text-case: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_btn_text_case %>;
--btn-focus-scale: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_btn_focus_scale %>;
--border-btn: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_border_btn %>;
--navbar-padding: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_navbar_padding %>;
--rounded-box: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_rounded_box %>;
--rounded-btn: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_rounded_btn %>;
--rounded-badge: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_rounded_badge %>;
--tab-border: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_tab_border %>;
--tab-radius: <%= @website.theme_daisyui_tab_radius %>;
<% else %>
<% end %>
Our website.ex schema has the various Daisy and TailwindCSS utility CSS classes.
import EctoEnum
defenum WebsiteTypes, ["normal", "custom", "landing"]
light: 0,
dark: 1,
cupcake: 2,
bumblebee: 3,
emerald: 4,
corporate: 5,
synthwave: 6,
retro: 7,
cyberpunk: 8,
valentine: 9,
halloween: 10,
garden: 11,
forest: 12,
aqua: 13,
lofi: 14,
pastel: 15,
fantasy: 16,
wireframe: 17,
black: 18,
luxury: 19,
dracula: 20,
cmyk: 21,
eighties: 22,
folkbot: 23,
gray: 24,
autumn: 25,
business: 26,
acid: 27,
lemonade: 28,
customtheme: 29,
snow: 30,
rwb: 31,
punk: 32,
oldpunk: 33,
customdaisy: 34
defenum ThemeBackgrounds,
"from-secondary to-primary text-primary-content flex flex-col items-left bg-gradient-to-br",
"from-primary to-secondary text-primary-content flex flex-col items-left bg-gradient-to-br",
"from-primary to-secondary text-primary-content -mt-[4rem] flex flex-col items-center bg-gradient-to-br pt-32 pb-48",
"bg-primary text-primary-content flex flex-col items-left",
defenum ThemeHomePageTemplate,
defenum OrganizingColor,
defenum ColorScheme,
defenum ButtonCase,
defenum FontFamily,
defenum FontFamilyHeader,
defmodule Folkbot.Websites.Website do
use Ecto.Schema
use Folkbot.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias Folkbot.Channels.Channel
alias Folkbot.Accounts.User
alias Folkbot.Websites.Nginx
use Waffle.Ecto.Schema
schema "websites" do
field :name, :string
field :domain, :string
field :slug, :string
field :about, :string
field :address, :string
field :banner, Folkbot.WebsiteImageUploader.Type
field :contact, :string
field :description, :string
field :disclaimer, :string
field :footer, :string
field :type, WebsiteTypes
field :icon, Folkbot.WebsiteImageUploader.Type
field :layout, :string
field :meta_description, :string
field :privacy, :string
field :primary_color, :string
field :secondary_color, :string
field :status, :string
field :tagline, :string
field :terms, :string
field :theme, :string
field :is_theme_customized?, :boolean
field :theme_font_family_header, :string
field :theme_daisyui_primary_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_secondary_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_accent_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_neutral_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_base_100_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_base_200_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_base_300_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_info_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_success_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_warning_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_error_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_header_organizing_color, OrganizingColor, default: "primary"
field :theme_daisyui_footer_organizing_color, OrganizingColor, default: "secondary"
field :theme_daisyui_color_scheme, ColorScheme, default: "light"
field :theme_daisyui_font_family, FontFamily, default: "font-sans"
field :theme_daisyui_animation_btn, :string
field :theme_daisyui_animation_input, :string
field :theme_daisyui_border_color, :string
field :theme_daisyui_btn_text_case, ButtonCase, default: "uppercase"
field :theme_daisyui_btn_focus_scale, :string
field :theme_daisyui_border_btn, :string
field :theme_daisyui_navbar_padding, :string
field :theme_daisyui_rounded_box, :string
field :theme_daisyui_rounded_btn, :string
field :theme_daisyui_rounded_badge, :string
field :theme_daisyui_tab_border, :string
field :theme_daisyui_tab_radius, :string
field :theme_background, ThemeBackgrounds
field :theme_background_image, Folkbot.WebsiteImageUploader.Type
field :theme_homepage_template, ThemeHomePageTemplate, default: "index"
field :is_free?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_published?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_listed?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_featured?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_private?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_invitable?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_previewable?, :boolean, default: false
field :is_premium?, :boolean, default: false
field :creator_id, :id
belongs_to :user, User
belongs_to :owner, User
field :contact_id, :id
has_many :channels, Channel, on_delete: :nothing
@doc false
def changeset(website, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs,
# |> foreign_key_constraint(:owner_id)
|> cast_attachments(attrs, [:icon, :banner, :theme_background_image])
|> validate_required([:name, :domain])
|> slugify_domain()
# |> write_nginx_conf()
defp slugify_domain(changeset) do
if domain = get_change(changeset, :domain) do
domainatrex = Domainatrex.parse(domain) |> elem(1) |> Map.fetch!(:domain)
put_change(changeset, :slug, slugify(domainatrex))
defp slugify(str) do
|> String.downcase()
|> String.replace(~r/[^\w-]+/, "-")
The LiveView Phoenix form component creates the LiveView which has a side-by-side with a demo mobile viewport.
defmodule FolkbotWeb.WebsiteLive.FormComponent do
use FolkbotWeb, :live_component
alias Folkbot.Websites
@impl true
def render(assigns) do
<%= @title %>
<:subtitle>Use this form to manage website records in your database.</:subtitle>
<.input field={@form[:theme]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.theme_options()} label="Theme" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_header_organizing_color]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.organizing_color_options()} label="Theme Header Color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_footer_organizing_color]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.organizing_color_options()} label="Theme Footer Color" />
<.input field={@form[:is_theme_customized?]} type="checkbox" label="Is theme customized?" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_primary_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui primary color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_border_color]} type="color" label="border color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_border_btn]} type="text" label="border button width" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_secondary_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui secondary color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_accent_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui accent color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_neutral_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui neutral color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_base_100_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui base 100 color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_info_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui info color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_success_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui success color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_warning_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui warning color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_error_color]} type="color" label="Theme daisyui error color" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_background]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.theme_background_options()} label="Theme background" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_homepage_template]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.theme_homepage_template_options()} label="Theme homepage template" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_btn_text_case]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.button_case_options()} label="Button text case" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_daisyui_font_family]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.font_family_options()} label="Font family" />
<.input field={@form[:theme_font_family_header]} type="select" options={FolkbotWeb.WebsiteView.theme_font_family_header_options()} label="Font family header" />
<.button phx-disable-with="Saving...">Save Website</.button>
@impl true
def update(%{website: website} = assigns, socket) do
changeset = Websites.change_website(website)
|> assign(assigns)
|> assign_form(changeset)}
@impl true
def handle_event("validate", %{"website" => website_params}, socket) do
changeset =
|> Websites.change_website(website_params)
|> Map.put(:action, :validate)
{:noreply, assign_form(socket, changeset)}
def handle_event("save", %{"website" => website_params}, socket) do
save_website(socket, socket.assigns.action, website_params)
defp save_website(socket, :edit, website_params) do
case Websites.update_website(, website_params) do
{:ok, website} ->
notify_parent({:saved, website})
|> put_flash(:info, "Website updated successfully")
|> push_patch(to: socket.assigns.patch)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
{:noreply, assign_form(socket, changeset)}
defp save_website(socket, :new, website_params) do
case Websites.create_website(website_params) do
{:ok, website} ->
notify_parent({:saved, website})
|> put_flash(:info, "Website created successfully")
|> push_patch(to: socket.assigns.patch)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
{:noreply, assign_form(socket, changeset)}
defp assign_form(socket, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset) do
assign(socket, :form, to_form(changeset))
defp notify_parent(msg), do: send(self(), {__MODULE__, msg})
Nicholas Roberts is a creative tech consultant Hello there, I am open to Elixir Phoenix projects as a full-stack engineer, cross-functional project manager or product development lead. I am an Australian-USA dual national and am available for remote or hybrid work in California.
- 20 years web, media and tech
- 5 years Phoenix Elixir
- Contact
- Email [email protected]
- Phone 510 684 8264